Wednesday, August 25, 2010


As I write this entry, it is sweltering at 11:45pm. I was happy with the week or so of extreme summer we had in June. I was looking forward to skipping the misery my family suffers as the temperature rises and our house holds on to it like bricks in an oven. No such luck! I am usually happy with each season, and it usually fades into the next, just as I am tiring of the one I'm in. This year, the weather has been like a super ball, bouncing uncontrollably all over the place. Do you find times when your life is like that? No matter the careful planning, something always disrupts where you decided to be?
I think God does that to us, purposefully, so we will hopefully learn to depend on Him for all our needs. Do you ever think about how patient He is with us? We seem to need to learn the same lessons over and over again, while He patiently shows us what He has in mind. I am very thankful for His patience. I have tried Him, I'm sure! Each day, I wake up knowing I have another day to learn from Him, to get guidance from Him, and I make a concerted effort to obey His commands, and listen to the soft whisper of his voice.
We are starting another school year at home. I am blessed to be able to educate my son at home, to give him the best materials, that are Christ based-so he has every tool to be a Godly man who can make a difference in his world. We are in our second year of high school now, and it's getting more hectic and a little harder for me to get my schedule situated-especially with my business doing so well.
This is an interesting season for me in my homeschool adventure. It won't be long before I am finished. Can you imagine, being done? It's an exciting, yet sad thought. I have spent 13 years designing, instrumenting, creating and teaching my precious boy, who is rapidly becoming a man. I am now considering all that he has learned. Did I cover everything he will need to be learned, wise and ready to face the world? Have I given him a heart for our loving Father? A relationship with God that he will relish in and continue with as he goes out into the world? The tools to defend his faith, and the courage to be bold about what he believes?
As the heat of summer wraps me in an uncomfortable blanket, that somehow relates to how I am feeling as I make what I feel may be the most important decisions regarding the rest of his schooling here at home.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6
I trust that the Lord is directing my heart and my mind as I make these important choices for Sam's education and beyond. God said that the most important thing I can give my children is a character for Him. I do believe I have done that, and will continue to do so. He also said that He would fill in any gaps that Sam's education may be lacking. I hold onto that promise, because I am quite sure I've missed something.
As I look forward to the arrival of fall, I realize I am in the fall season of homeschooling. I am treasuring this time-it will be gone all too quickly.
As you begin your school year, hold fast to the promises of our King. He will walk beside you every step of the way. Guide you in your choices, and protect your children's hearts. I am a thankful woman, knowing I am not doing this important job alone.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Jesus is Enough

It's obvious I am busy by the lack of writing I get accomplished here. Daily, I feel the presence of my precious savior as I run errands, tackle projects, clean house, care for my family, spend time with loved ones and take care of the menagerie of animals that live with us. I am blessed-truly blessed. I have so much to be thankful for, and knowing that it has all been given to me by our amazing God, makes it all the more precious to me.
I have a bounty of friends, that lift me up, make me laugh, keep me on the right path, care for my heart and enrich my life each day. Each friend has a different way of interacting with me, that helps me to continue to become the woman God created me to be. What an amazing treasure, and gift from my Father!
Even though I struggle with severe pain each day, I know that He walks beside me and gives me the strength I need to complete my day's tasks. Do I enjoy being in pain twenty-four hours a day? No, but I know that God let this disease happen to me for a reason, and that's a good enough reason to continue to deal with it and be the best I can be. There are so many more people that suffer far worse than I. That knowledge makes me even more grateful that this is all I do have to deal with daily. He will not give you more than you can handle-such an amazing statement. Sometimes, I feel like He's given me too much and I feel sorry for myself. In those times, I let myself wallow for a short time, then pick myself back up and continue on this glorious road that He has placed me on. I can usually see much growth in my walk and my relationships when I keep my eyes upon Him.
Jesus is enough. Three small words that mean everything to me. I cannot imagine one day of waking without knowing He is there and ready to be my instructor, my guardian, my Father, my friend, my disciplinarian, my heart.
"In every thing give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18
I will give thanks, daily-to an ever-faithful, loving, perfect God.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lovely Spring

Oh, how I love this time of year. Everywhere you look are signs of new life. Buds on the trees, flowers blooming, birds chirping and the most delicious smells meet me as I walk out into my front garden. What a beautiful gift the Lord has given us with Spring. The dreary time of winter is over, the sun warms our hearts and our attitudes. I think the beauty of the flowers is what gets me the most excited. All the gorgeous colors, shapes and variety of plants are amazing. I spent the last weeks longing to get my hands in the rich soil and lovingly play with these beautiful floral creations of His. I am so blessed. I am able to spend this next two months doing what I love for work. Creating gardens of beauty for others, and teaching others how to create their own is fabulous to me. I am teaching a field biology class and am learning as much as the class is while we explore God's magnificent world. I am creating my own classification book with photographs I've taken, identified and then placed in a Creation Camp scrapbook.

Another wonderful part of spring for me is looking towards the end of this school year, and planning for next year. I love this time! Creating a lesson plan, gathering all the supplies together, writing Unit Studies and deciding what we will do, gives me such a thrill. Sam will be in 10th grade this coming year. I have been working on this plan for most of the year. Tweaking, bending, and exploring his options. This is probably the last year that we will school completely at home, so I am careful to make sure I've covered everything correctly, and am adding in anything that I really want us to do this next year before he starts taking those outside steps to independence. I have found that God still drives my little yellow bus, and I am so thankful to be able to rely on Him to guide me on this journey. It amazes both Sam and myself when all the eclectic things I have Sam doing combine to travel one path. What a gift it is to be able to teach our children. I'm sure there are many days you all feel as I do-not feeling the gift thing! Yet, He gives us new energy each day we ask so that we may continue on this amazing quest of knowledge. I can say I have learned a tremendous amount, just in getting Sam's lessons arranged and ready for him. I have about two and 1/2 years left, and I know it is going to fly right by, and before too long-he will be receiving his diploma and moving on to the next step in his walk with our precious Lord.

Spring-a new beginning, that arrives over and over again. It takes my breath away each and every time, as if I've never seen it before. As I stand amongst His glorious creation, I cannot help but be amazed by the thought He put into every detail when He painted the earth upon His canvas. Thank you Father, for your beautiful gift.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I am in an interesting time in my life. I have one son left at home who is 14, and 5 out in the world, married, and 4 of them with children. Two of those boys I acquired when they were adults, but I love them just the same. I can still remember the time each one of the four that I birthed came to know our precious Lord as their own. What joy filled my heart as each of my young boys accepted Christ and grew in their special relationship with Him. One of my acquired boys accepted Christ a few years ago, and that was an amazing answer to many years of prayer. Now, as I share Jesus with my grandchildren, it is again amazing to watch them learn who He is. "I have no greater joy that to hear that my children walk in the truth." III John 4 To know this joy! My heart soars like an eagle as I see my child grow in faith and understanding of our precious Lord. I now have the blessed priviledge of seeing some of my grandchildren come to know Jesus too. It is so amazing to be able to introduce a little one to who Jesus is and how much He loves each of them. At times, I feel my heart could burst with joy.
I have been working with Jordan this past year in learning more about Jesus and who He is. He has gone to church with us a few times and we always spend time talking about Jesus and praying to Him. Jordy has learned to pray by following our lead. He will speak the words as I do, and proudly shout amen, when we are finished.
Yesterday, he prayed for our nightly meal. He began, "Jesus", and to my surprise and absolute glee, he did the entire prayer time himself. He thanked Jesus for our food, for our fun, and asked Him to watch over each of the family members, one by one. He ended by telling Jesus how much we love him. Tears fill my eyes as I relay this most precious moment. Thank you Father for letting us be witness to our children's eyes and hearts opening in wonder of You.
Lexi is two and is learning about Jesus now too. She loves to pray. Closes her eyes so very tightly and repeats what we pray. I love watching her as she grows in her love for Him. She loves praise music and will sing loud and proud as she dances around the room.
There is no more important job in our world than to introduce our young ones to our most amazing, loving God. To have my children/grandchildren walk in the truth, does bring absolute joy to my heart.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Don't Worry-Trust in Him

Since God made us, I'm going to assume He knew in advance what worrisome people we would be. I think as homeschooling moms, we worry even more because we feel the pressure of our children's success or failure on our shoulders. We do carry a heavier load than most women, as we usually spend close to 24/7 with our precious bundles of joy & along with the regular jobs of homemaking, this can be quite a trial.
Matthew 6:34 says " Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." I believe God told us this so that we would stay focused on today's business and do the best we can with today. Worrying about tomorrow or next week or even next year does no good, because we don't know what will be. God knows, and He has everything in control and knows exactly what we will accomplish, fail at, and go through. His plan is perfect-though I'm sure each of us can look and say that we have a hard time understanding that one!
I have had many trials during my travels down the path of life and I have cried out to Him on more than one occasion, begging for His intercession. I think that is one reason we do have trials. They teach us to rely on Him. I know that I would not be who I am today if not for those painful, scary times. I can honestly say I didn't appreciate going through those growing lessons, but looking back now-I wouldn't change anything because I am His child and as my Father, He knew exactly where I would go, what I would do and what He could use me for. I thank Him for being beside me every step of the way, even when I traveled down a path He didn't desire me to take.
Because of His faithfulness during my trials, I know that I can fully rely on Him to take care of everything. I don't have to worry, fret, be uncertain or doubt myself-because He is leading me and I trust Him completely. I was asked some years ago how I hear Him. I didn't understand at first. I thought the woman was asking me if I heard his actual voice (and then maybe considered I might be crazy). I talked with God about her question and came back to her. I told her how I hear Him, and after she said she doesn't hear Him, I asked her if she was listening for His voice. That conversation made me realize that I do hear Him clearly and I am forever thankful that I do.
The next step in hearing Him-is to actually listen. Don't second guess whether it's Him. Dive in and answer. As you do this, you will see Him answer and after awhile you will hear Him and know to do His bidding. I have a child like faith. I just assume He wants me to obey and I do. Somedays I will admit, I may have an additional conversation with Him-telling Him it's not really something I want to do, or asking to be released from a task He has asked me to complete. God has a great sense of humor. Whenever I get into one of these conversations with Him, he uses humor to bring me around to His will. That our God is so patient with us is amazing. That He offers us grace each day, a new beginning-is a blessing. Imagine if He tallied up our sins, errors, disobedience etc each day. We'd surely be in trouble!
As homeschooling moms, we can sure get ourselves worked up into a tizzy. Am I doing my best, are my children learning everything they should, what else should I be doing? Did I miss anything? I'm quite sure the majority of us are doing our best, that are children will never learn everything they should and that we will miss things along the way. We are not perfect, nor are our children.
Matthew 6:8 says, "Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask Him." He knows what you need, what your children will need and what their children will need. He also has a plan for each of them. He has given them gifts and will lead them to use the gift He has blessed them with to do His service. What He asks of us is to do our best to teach them to hear Him, to follow Him and to obey Him. He will take care of it from there. Thank you Father for being faithful to my children, and to want the best for them and to love them far more than I could ever hope to.
Psalm 25:4 says "Teach me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me." I ask Him to do this for me consistently. I also ask Him to do this for each one of my precious children. I ask Him for the wisdom to do what is right for each child or adult child in my case. I ask Him to give me the words that they are to hear that will bring them to the place He wants them to be. I am human. I will not do it right always. I cannot. I accept this and do the best I can, trusting God's word-that He will fill in those gaps of learning and be there to help my children succeed. I have already been blessed to see the answers from Him and do trust Him, explicitly! He alone, can do everything. We, with His help, can do much.
Give your worries to Him-He can and will handle them for you.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Our Father's Gift

Many times over the past month my mind has reminded me that I haven't written a new post here. I have been afraid to bore you with the same thoughts day in and day out, so have not written at all. My lovely aunt wrote me this, "When I need to be reminded of God's complete provision for each one of us, I refer back to your blog and read it all over again!!" It suggested to me that it is not my job to decide what you should hear from me, but to speak from my heart and let you decide what to take away from the blog. So, I humbly write once again...
There has been a great sadness in my heart of late. My sister would have turned 41 in the first week of September, and each year I miss her more than ever. It is hard to miss someone so much day after day. I am so very thankful that she is in heaven with Jesus waiting for our reunion. I know my dad was really feeling her absence this past month as well. He posted an adorable picture she had made for him when she was young. I so enjoyed seeing another glimpse of my sister's heart. I truly cannot fathom how anyone can survive a day not knowing that heaven is waiting for the believer.
I have been receiving daily updates on a man who will soon go home to the Lord. He is one of the first attorneys for Home School Legal Defense. His name is Chris and he has suffered for years from MS, and is now at the end of this suffering. He has such a beautiful heart for our Father, and I have to say I admire him and the work he has done for each one of us that homeschool, always honoring the Lord in his work. His wife Tracy, is an amazing woman. She faithfully writes to us letting us know how Chris is fairing each day, always reminding us of God's perfect timing, love and grace. How brave she is! Her faithful husband, companion and father of her children is leaving to go home and each day she thanks God. Wow! I do not know if I could be so brave. My heart aches for this family each day as they say goodbye to this loving man. Their faith is evident and encourages me to once again face another day. I am confident that Chris will hear Good Job, My Faithful Servant when he arrives to meet our Saviour. I have never met this man, yet my heart hurts so badly. I want to wrap my arms around this family and tell them how much I care.
That we believers have a new beginning is a most precious gift. Yes, we hurt here on earth especially when a loved one goes ahead, but knowing we will meet again makes each day survivable as I continue to do God's bidding while I await His return.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Walking By Faith

"For we walk by faith, not by sight" 2 Corinthians 5:7
Faith-to trust. 1. unquestioning belief, specific. in God, a religion, etc. 2. a particular religion 3. a complete trust or confidence 4. loyalty
My faith is the only unshakable constant in my life. No matter where I've walked or what I've done; my faith has been there. I honestly cannot imagine life with no faith. I have leaned on my faith for everything. That my faith has been loyal to me is beyond question. I completely and totally trust that walking in faith is the only way to live.
I am so secure in the knowledge that God leads me, watches over me, protects me and teaches me. That He loves me is the most amazing treasure I have. He is my Abba, my daddy, and I am his child. What a daddy to have loving me-me, the one who lets Him down. How can He love so loyally when we hurt His heart so often? I have a childlike love for Him, and with all my heart do believe that He knows my heart and forgives me daily, like we forgive our children. To know His arm is wrapped around my shoulder as I walk through each day, or that His arms hold me tightly when my heart hurts so badly-is the joy of my soul. I believe that I make my Abba laugh on many occasions and I love the imaginary picture I have of Him in my mind's eye. His eyes shine so brightly with love and laughter, He is beautiful, handsome-although I cannot really tell you what He looks like. That He has been faithful to me, never leaving my side is amazing. I love Him with my whole heart, mind and soul. Each day, I wake looking for my Abba, asking Him what I can do today to grow in faith, to reach out and touch someone for Him. What would He have me do today to ease some one's pain, or to show them His loving heart.
I am so very blessed to know such a magnificent God. A God who accepts me for who I am. A most patient God, that waits for me to grow in Him. A loving God, who showers me with His love and blessings. A faithful God, who never leaves my side. A humorous God, who makes me laugh-and brings resounding joy to my heart, my lips. A fearless God, who gives me shelter and safety in His loving arms. Thank you Abba, for loving me and for being my most precious treasure.